Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women And The Middle East And North Africa - 1148 Words

The diversities within North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia (cultural, religious, political, etc.) play a crucial part in the status of women and the key features of gender roles in these particular geographic regions. The Middle East and North Africa share commonalities through Arabic and Islamic culture. Establishing equalities for women amongst the current social and political changes of Middle Eastern and North African societies stands as a difficult obstacle to overcome, but in spite of this, women’s rights efforts are still being made. While Islamic culture is dominant in Southeast Asia, the culture of Southeast Asian nations is diverse. Islam and gender in Southeast Asia have contributed to the continuing debate over Islam, feminism, and gender rights in the region. The cultures of North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia are male dominated, but this cultural dominance might not sustain in the future. This essay will compare and contrast the curren t status of women and the key features of gender roles in North Africa and the Middle East with those of Southwest Asia. Examples will also be provided to justify any arguments that are made. The Middle East and North Africa While discussing gender roles in North Africa and the Middle East, Pulsipher et al. (2014) found, â€Å"Increasing research evidence suggests that the dawning of agriculture may have marked the transition to markedly distinct roles for men and women† (p.244). It is implied that thisShow MoreRelatedWomen and Devolpment in Northern Africa Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesWomen and Development in Northern Africa Gender inequality is a massive problem for women and girls and development has begun to take place to over come this injustice to the female population in North Africa and the Middle East. Gender inequality has become an important and visible issue for economies of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 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